香港動物領養中心 (HKAAC) 於2006年成立,在橫台山散村單棟邨屋開始進行拯救工作。在2006至2008年這兩年期間,由於我們積極拯救,原址已經不足夠收容再多的動物,鐅於我們資金不足下,因此香港動物領養中心在2008年遷至位置偏遠山區的屯門和平新村150號,一直沿用至今。
Hong Kong Animal Adoption Centre (HKAAC) was established in 2006. We began our rescue mission from a small village house at Wang Toi Shan. We were very keen making animal rescues between year 2006 to 2008 therefore we have to seek for a much larger but yet affordable site. In year 2008, HKAAC has found a suitable remote location, No.150 Wo Ping San Tsuen in Tuen Mun to cater for all of them and fortunately, it is still our main site presently.

Our slogan "We rescue because we care" is always on our mind therefore every rescued animal will be entitled for their fundamental medical protection. Basically they will be tested and protected from Heartworm infections, parvo-vaccinated, rabies-vaccinated with microchip and desexed. Once they are veterinary fit to find a new home, we evaluated if there is an appropriate applicant to fit in. For HKAAC, "Rescue" is more than just a shelter with food for them, we will ensure those in pain, in need for medical attentions will get their most appropriate treatments. Even with some rescued elderly animals which will have very slim chance to find a new home, HKAAC will provide them with sufficient attentions to ensure they could feel safe, being cared for and happy to enjoy their stay for as long as necessary.

香港動物領養中心在每年冬季恆常舉辦的戶外籌募活動,籌集得來的善款就是「救得一隻,得一隻」。而市民透過宣傳人員及公關犬大使會面的相聚時刻,增加對動物的認知及了解尊重生命的意義。 另外,香港動物領養中心也本著「萬事互相效力,資源共同分享」之下,將得到捐贈的寵物糧食、用品,都會分派到不同動物保護組織或獨立義工,希望透過不同的人仕可以幫助更多被遺棄及流浪的動物。
Public street fundraising during the Autumn to Spring season is the main source of HKAAC's income to enable our objective "Rescue one more if we can" to help those in needs. The General Public will be able to learn more about animal welfare, animal awareness while they interact with our dog ambassadors lead by our staff on permitted public locations. Meanwhile HKAAC believes in "Everything will come together if we starts with sharing with each other" therefore we are happy to share our donations such as food and pet caring materials to different animal welfare organizations as well as independent animal rescue volunteers to enhance the scope of helping more abandoned or strays animals at different districts of Hong Kong.

HKAAC is prepared for more challenges and obstacles to come in the future and we have very strong faith that our rescued animals will get more attentions to care for them from all walks of life.
HKAAC 香港動物領養中心