發表於 2021/02/24 |
最後更新 2022/07/27 |
來到聖誕佳節,又即將是2020年的尾聲,雖然今年不單止香港,對於全世界都是艱難渡過的一年。但正正面對天災人禍,我們更明白世上所有皆不是理所當然,更懂得珍惜一切。香港動物領養中心懷着感恩的心,特別鳴謝iPoint Trading Limited 寵匯商貿有限公司”冬日送暖”行動送出Venture優質寵物食品予本會,除了本中心貓狗有份受惠外,本中心亦把其中分享給了不同義工,讓更多動物在這個寒冷的冬天,收到溫暖的聖誕禮物!
在反反覆覆的疫情底下,各界生意大受打擊,要維持工作及生計已不容易,對於要經營一個狗場及繼續拯救工作的義工簡直是難上加難、雪上加霜,所以本中心真的萬分感謝再多一個糧商體恤,伸出援手加入送暖行動,雪中送炭!有你們的支持,是對我們中心的極大鼓勵,iPoint Trading Limited 寵匯商貿有限公司,謝謝你!
We are finally in the holiday season and nearing the end of 2020. This year has challenged, not only Hong Kong, but the entire world. We all better understand how to cherish everything and leave nothing taken for granted. It is with this thought, that the HKAAC would like to express our sincerest gratitude to iPoint Trading Limited. Under their “Giving Project 2020 – Donation to those in need” the many dogs and cats at HKAAC have benefitted from high quality Venture food. Additionally, HKAAC shares the love of the listed volunteers so that more of our animal friends can enjoy a warm Christmas gift these cold days.
The volunteers include:
• Ms Lam from Ping Che (坪輋)
• Uncle Tam from Ki Lun Tsuen (麒麟村)
• Ms Chin from Pak Tin Estate (白田邨)
• Ms Ng from Fanling (粉嶺)
Our volunteers help run the animal shelters and continue rescue works while also dealing with the economic and social effects the covid pandemic has brought us all. HKAAC is truly grateful to all who have supported us throughout the year. We are truly thankful to have added one more benevolent merchant for their extending a helping hand. Thank you iPoint Trading Limited for your encouragement and support.
With Gratitude,
HKAAC 香港動物領養中心